Call us on 044 939 1499 or 01 901 0258 (Dublin)
Mobile: 087 908 5447
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Basements and other below-ground structures that are exposed to aggressive ground conditions and stress, or spaces requiring a completely dry internal environment, demand reliable, high-performance waterproofing solutions.
The function of the waterproofing should also be engineered to include protection of the concrete structure itself against potentially harmful influences of aggressive natural mediums and gases in soil, groundwater or seawater.
Sika BentoShield™ MAX LM is a fully-bonded, self-healing waterproofing system. It is a factory prehydrated, needle-punched and PE flexible membrane. The sealing technology of Sika BentoShield™ MAX LM combines the unique swelling performance of sodium bentonite with high-strength polypropylene geotextiles.
10 year guarantee - when used as a single system
15 year guarantee - when used in a dual system in
conjunction with Sika Watertight Concrete or Sika Cavity Drainage system.
* It is a requirement that groundwaters are tested and verified prior to the system application.
For more details about our services, please contact us on 044 939 1499 or 087 9085447 or 01 901 0258 (Dublin).